Roasted Chicken

Roasted Chicken Dinner

I find weekends are the best for me, to roast a good whole chicken. Sunday’s are the bestest days! ( Can you even say that word? I sure do). The next day, the leftovers are just as great, and then anything remaining afterward makes a great chicken soup.

Mashed Potatoes are a perfect match.

Along with a Roasted Chicken, mashed potatoes are a perfect match. The creaminess of the mashed potatoes pairs with the roasted chicken and I haven’t found another veggie that does the same. Of course, you can serve a salad or any other vegetable with Roasted Chicken, but I think mashed potatoes are a must. You can try my Mushroom and Thyme mashed potatoes :

Whole Thawed Chicken

Take a Whole, thawed Chicken and rub it really good with butter or oil. Season it well. Roast. Prepare your side dishes. Eat. And if it’s a Sunday, a good nap tops the day after all that goodness.

Well Seasoned Chicken
Roasted Chicken

Roasted Chicken

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Resting Time 20 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 50 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 6


  • 1 Whole Chicken
  • Grapeseed Oil, Olive Oil, or butter
  • Salt and Pepper or Seasoning of Choice


  • Preheat oven to 425°
  • Removed the giblets from the inside of the chicken. Rinse the inside and outside of the chicken really well. Pat dry.
  • Generously rub the outside of the chicken with the oil or butter. Make sure to get between the wings.
  • Sprinkle the Salt and Pepper ( or seasoning of your choice ) all over the chicken. Both the top and bottom. You want the chicken covered with your seasoning.
  • Place seasoned chicken in a roasting dish or pan.
  • Roast the chicken for 1-1 1/2 hours, or until the internal temperature reaches 165° or the juices run clear when you cut between a leg and thigh.
  • Remove the chicken from the oven and vent with foil. Let rest for about 20 minutes.
  • Move the chicken to a serving dish and slice and serve.
Keyword Chicken,, Poultry, Roast