Building My Own Website

Building my own website for Ms. Food Snob has been extremely challenging and I’m trusting will be rewarding once its all figured out.

The most techie stuff I’ve done is social media, emails and my smart phone. I can key for data entry, but it’s a forum already made and ready for input. I made a Powerpoint once for a college presentation, but had the help of my youngest son. Ask me how to do that again and it would be like talking to me in a foreign language .

Computer work area

I’m surprised I’ve maintained my Christianity and sanity throughout all this new learning experience. The nice thing is when I’m frustrated, I can walk away and take a break. I don’t have a time frame to be “finished”. Once in awhile I’ll sneak a peak over at my husband in his easy chair watching tv or playing a video game, sometimes he notices and smiles back. He is such an encouragement for me in all I pursue.

Blogging will be a new experience, kinda. It appears to be the same as keeping a diary but making it available for the whole public to view. I’ve discovered there are minimal word counts to make a blog’s readability score increase, that’s 300 words. I’ll have to practice fluffing (adding more words when I’m short on them).

My excitement to have my own website to share the pleasures of food experiences and delicious recipes with others is my driving force to keep at it. Im thankful for other websites that have videos and how to’s to help me, along with the support team to call if I need them. However, I think once I can afford it, it will be tempting to have someone manage it for me, just tempting at this moment.

Once this site is in full swing – I’ll have a dream come true and will continue with an exciting, rewarding journey sharing my enthusiasm of food and cooking with you.