
When you avoid something you’re meant to do, life loses clarity. James, Scott Andrew. “Presence in Purpose”. Magnolia Journal winter 2022. Issue no. 25, p.107 Clarity and Purpose seem to be the driving force behind feeling and being successful, in my opinion. The last few 

Excess Baggage

What does it mean to have excess baggage? I think each person has their own version of what excess baggage is to them and what it may look like. I discovered in these last two weeks what excess baggage means to me both physically and 

Mind-Set – it’s your choice

Mind-set is a choice, you get to choose. Mind-set seems to be on the trend everywhere you look, especially if you spend time on any Social Media platform. Social Media has been an influencer in itself with promoting the latest trends from fashion, food, mental 

An Upgrade to our Kitchen

Had the most delightful date day with my husband yesterday. There’s something about getting out of the house when the sun is shining, that’s medicine for the soul. We did just that. Took a drive on the back highway to Twin Falls. The speed limit 

Driving in the Dark

Driving in the Dark

The other morning I was driving to my destination. It was early, 4:30 a.m. early. It’s dark out at that time and eerily quiet. Hardly anything or anybody is out that early. The roads are dark, we don’t have too many street lights illuminating the