Creamy Homemade Mayonnaise

I’ve always used store bought Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip when I needed it for a recipe, potato salad or sandwiches. It’s not a common condiment I keep on hand anymore. However, the other day when I was making Easy Meat Roll-Ups for lunch, the recipe called for homemade mayonnaise. What-do-you-know!!! Five ingredients. A quick mix with an immersion blender and voila – Homemade Mayonnaise, just like that. Creamy Homemade Mayonnaise that’s fail-proof and healthy.

I wasn’t quite sure how oil, a whole raw egg, lemon juice, salt and dijon mustard was going to come out white and creamy looking. But that’s exactly what happened. And the taste??? The taste was fresh, light and delicious. Hands down, homemade mayonnaise is the way to go. I don’t believe I’ll be purchasing store bought Mayonnaise anymore.

Homemade Mayonnaise

Creamy Homemade Mayonnaise that's fail-proof and healthy.
Prep Time 4 minutes


  • 1 Cup Light Oil – I use grapeseed oil
  • 1 Whole Egg
  • 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice – fresh squeezed is best
  • ½ Tsp Dijon Mustard or 1 tsp dry mustard powder
  • ¼ Tsp Salt


  • Add all ingredients for the homemade mayonnaise into a wide mouth Mason jar or large measuring cup.
  • Let the oil rise to the top.
  • Place the immersion blender at the bottom of the jar or measuring cup and blend.
  • Keeping the immersion blender at the very bottom, slowly tilt the immersion blender as the mayo emulsifies , to allow the remaining oil to blend.
  • Store unused portion in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Use within two weeks.
Keyword Homemade Mayo, Homemade Mayonnaise