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Tuscan Creamy Chicken w/ Mushrooms, Spinach and Cherry Tomatoes.

I’ve discovered some quick, affordable recipes for Mediterranean Styled meals. This one is especially delicious. It definitely lives up to its name: Tuscan Creamy Chicken with Mushrooms, Spinach and Cherry Tomatoes. The creamy sauce is rick and thick from heavy whipping cream and the parmesan 

Brown Sugar and Soy Sauce Glazed Salmon

Just a few ingredients that may normally be on hand, and you have a full-flavored marinade for salmon steaks. Brown Sugar, soy sauce, honey, butter and garlic creates an amazing marinade full of flavor that is both sweet and savory. You can either choose to 

World Baking Day

World Baking Day

Today is World Baking Day. I would not have known that, had it not been for the planner section of my facebook page. I’m not much of a baker, that’s just not my thing. My husband likes to bake, especially cheesecake. That’s one way he won my heart. However, this post is dedicated for the crew at Duck Donuts in Idaho Falls, Idaho. I know that donuts aren’t baked, but they are fitting for today. Just look at these happy faces!!! They definitely look like they enjoy being there and where such good sports for their photo.

Happy Friendly Crew at Duck Donuts

I took a few days of R-N-R and discovered this cute, fun place for donuts while driving around. So the morning I was heading home I stopped by to grab some donuts to take with me. These are not your ordinary donuts and boy was I surprised.

When you walk in you’re greeted with the sweet smell of fresh donuts and coffee. That’s always a good thing since it’s a donut shop. The shop is set up strategically so you walk by their merchandise as you go towards the back to place your order. An added bonus is all the rubber ducks around the shop to remind you where you are.

Duck Donuts Merchandise

Charity greeted me the morning I went. She’s got a beautiful smile and friendly disposition. She checks to see if you’ve been in before. Of course this was my first visit, so she happily explained all the different donuts they make and that they are freshly made and a cake donut. They are not your typical cake donut that is dense and heavy. They are light, fluffy and delectable. Charity asked me what kind I’d like to try while I waited on my order. I choose a regular glazed donut. That donut literally melted in my mouth, it was warm fresh and glazed, my favorite. Duck Donuts is set up so kids and big kids can watch the crew make your donuts and top them. I love places like these that allow you to watch.

I choose a dozen so I could take several different samples. They all looked so good I wanted to try each one. But that will be for another trip. I choose Peach Pie, Maple and Bacon for my man, Lemon and Raspberry, Regular Glazed, Cookies and Cream and Blueberry Pancake. My son and daughter-in-love came over shortly after I got home, they must have a good food radar. They helped sample the donuts and liked them as well. Of course I had extra brownie points for the Maple and Bacon donuts for my man. Each donut was exactly as named and packed full of flavor. They were still light and fluffy a few days later, never lost its taste or deliciousness.

So, if you’re in the Idaho Falls, Idaho area, stop by and check out the Duck Donuts. Your order is made fresh while you wait, no hours old donuts sitting around. You can probably find them in a few other areas as well headed East since they started back there in North Carolina.

Avocado & Shrimp Salad

I love avocado’s. This one fruit has all the goodness in it; fat, vitamins and deliciousness. They’re great mashed, cubed, sliced, diced and blended smooth. If I could grow my own, I would! However, in South Central Idaho, it’s difficult to grow many things, especially 

Pork Chops with Orange Glaze & Green Beans with Almonds

Discovering new ways to prepare and enjoy the same foods I’ve loved since as far as I can remember is a passion. Pork Chops and Green Beans have been a normal staple on a dinner table since childhood. I recall my mother fixing these. Ours